Cultural property protection signs
(for pictures of examples please have a look at the bottom of the text)
Emaigro and cultural property protections signs
More and more public authorities and businesses in the branche of monuments are cooperating with Emaigro. Because of the quality we offer, but also because our environmental involvement and involvement with the social community. Our customers also appreciate our way of communication. Our service continues outside common business hours. You can always contact our Export Manager by email and telephone for a quick reaction (Michiel Burink, / +31(0)6-13849942).
Emaigro is proud to announce that we have served many satisfied customers over the years. Please feel free to ask us for recommendations.
Why cultural property protections signs?
During WW II many beautiful buildings and objects have been destroyed or got damaged. During the ´The Hague Convention´ in 1954 all countries agreed to prevend this from happening again during a new armed conflict in future. Every country made a long list of buidlings that should have extra protection. To be able to recognizne these protected buildings the organisation Unesco designed a blue/white sign. These signs are the cultural property protection signs.
Nowadays these signs are not only used to recognise protected buildings but also for city-marketing purposes. Authorities and citizens are proud having unique historic protected buildings. Tourists can recognise unique buildings by the protection signs.
Protection signs from enamel have become a tradition. This is because of the unique feautures. Extremely durable, colourfast and a beautiful finish. In the long term a signs of enamel are always the best choice.